Cycling UK Lincolnshire AGM 2022
Date: Sunday 15th May 2022
Time: 10.30 am for 11.00 am
Venue: Fiskerton Village Hall, near Lincoln
Many thanks to Andy Townhill for organising the 2022 Cycling UK Lincolnshire AGM.
A great turnout with 18 members attending.
Chairperson's Report:
Tim Newbery gave an introduction and summarised the previous year's highlights.
"In spite of the steady easing of restrictions, Covid-19 has had a significant impact on our activities over the past year. Never the less there has been some great work from our volunteers across the county.
Bike Week was essentially a ‘virtual’ event with Trevor Halstead and Cycling UK Gainsborough opting to run the Bike Week Charity Ride (in aid of Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance) later in the summer. From sponsorship and additional monies from selling old cycles and donations for pumping tyres, in all a grand total of £705 was raised for the charity. Many congratulations to all.
Cycling UK Lincolnshire were also able to run two Audax events. The Lincoln Imp orgsanised by Andy Townhill on 4th September and The Wolds Traverse on 19th September organised by Alan Hockham attracted many riders who would go onto enjoy great routes and hospitality across our county.
A regular rides programme was organised by Cycling UK Gainsborough, Cycling UK Louth and Cycling UK Lincoln with the Lincoln Women’s Group also organising a number of rides.
We were of course delighted to have Melanie Carroll re-elected as a Cycling UK Trustee in November. Additionally, Melanie is a passionate campaigner and continues her volunteering across many positions including Cycling UK’s Cycle Advocacy Network. Melanie along with a number of other members have been active in taking part in networking meetings, Big Bike Revival and on the back of the Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, the Lincolnshire Climate Summit 2021.
Cycling UK’s values aim to guide us in our day to day working and long-term planning and underpin our vision of a healthier and cleaner world because more people cycle. Cycling UK Lincolnshire welcomes current and would be volunteers and with invitations to this year’s AGM reaching over 280 members hopefully we’ll gain new support.
We look forward to a busy and successful year ahead. Very soon we’ll be celebrating CTC Lincolnshire District Association’s 92nd Anniversary. This will be followed by Volunteer’s Week, the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, Bike Week, Birthday Rides and the Lincoln Imp Audax in September and a chance too to work with Cycling UK East Midlands on a long-distance cycling route across Lincolnshire. With a full programme of rides and events there’s plenty to look forward to".
CAMPAIGNS REPORT by Melanie Carroll:
"I'd like to start by thanking Andy Townhill (Lincoln), Tim Newbery (North & North East Lincs), Les Parker (Sleaford), Roy Redman (Grantham), Trevor Halstead (Gainsborough) for their work on campaigning for better cycle infrastructure for all cyclists, and for their work in encouraging and promoting cycling amongst their local councils, organisations and most importantly amongst the populace in general. Without people like these willing and able to do what they can in their local areas this important work wouldn't happen as it does - and I'd like to encourage all members to do what they can and when they can locally - or nationally - too. Our individual voices are key and important if we want to see change happen and the roads be safe for cyclists of all ages, genders and types.
This year saw the council put out a number of surveys and consultations on potential changes across our county for cycle infrastructure, sadly most of these potential infrastructure changes - little and few as they were - did not come into happening as not enough individuals took part to support cycling, and in some instances where they did get the peoples approval at consultation where then almost immediately rolled back due to the few strident voices before the changes even had a chance to be tested and utilised - and yet we know that in most cases the majority of people like ourselves support change for cycling, however they don't voice that opinion when it matters and so the voices of the vocal few tend to win.
In this county that meant projects in Skegness, Boston, Lincoln & villages, Grimsby and Grantham now won't be going ahead, in other places in Louth, Lincoln and elsewhere have been modified so much now as to largely be redundant, and the areas and roads in these places remain closed to new cyclists young and old, differently abled or otherwise, who need the infrastructure to enable them to safely and confidently start and also to continue cycling.
Please I exhort you all look for these consultations, and others, and voice your opinion and encourage others you know to do the same. Write to your local councillors and let them know what you need - ask to go on local community panels, speak out and be active and proactive. When we are there, active and heard things can and do happen.
Some of the things that happened this year due to this activity:
Grantham - new joining path between the Town centre and Londonthorpe Woods.
A Letsmovelincs cycling leaflet listing everyday cycle routes & places to lock bikes.
North & North East Lincs - representation on Cycle Lincolnshire panels, and other consultations about cycle routes.
Gainsborough - continued work on a cycle & walking route along the Trent and to the villages.
A forthcoming event to encourage people to cycle run in conjunction with Community Connectors and Social Prescribers.
A Letsmovelincolnshire leaflet similar to the Grantham one.
Lincoln - continued representation at stakeholders meetings and consultations on new roads.
Barriers removed/addressed at Five Mile Bridge.
We will continue to keep an eye on what is going on, we will continue to liase and network, and we will continue to voice the concerns of all cyclists, those already cycling and those that would if it was easier and safer and to do this we will continue working with organisation from the Councils themselves, across to Active Lincolnshire, with our allies at Sustrans, and with other cycling bodies such as Love to Ride (worth mentioning is that the love to Ride stats are used by the council to see where and what type of people want to cycle and can be encouraged to cycle, so please do sign up and use that platform to help demonstrate to the council that there is a will and a want for cycling for everyone!)".
I am pleased to say that we currently have 341 cycling UK members that are listed within the Lincolnshire Registration area.
Better yet we had 37 new members join us this year and only 3 that have lapsed recently it seems.
We also have 5 Affiliate Cycle Clubs registered in the county, along with 1 new cycle group and 2 new events organisations.
These are good figures but please do continue to encourage others to join Cycling UK - whatever type of cyclist they are!
Award Presentation:
Awarded to the person(s) who(m) in the eyes of the Member Group committee has (have) contributed significantly to the running of the Member Group and its activities in the past year.
Presented to Melanie Carroll for her tireless work in her involvement in all aspects of Cycling UK’s activities and campaigning across the county. She wears many hats and of course we were delighted on her re-election as a Trustee. She’s also still heavily involved in the Cycle Advocacy Network (she’s the regional co-ordinator for the North East, Yorkshire Lincolnshire and the East Midlands), campaigning for improved rights and helping inspire more people to cycle. All part of Cycling UK’s values.
Her involvement in cycling is not just with Cycling UK but other complimentary cycling organisations such as with Sustrans as a Volunteer Ranger, British Cycling as a Ride Leader and Breeze co-ordinator and groups such as, Love to Ride Lincolnshire, Active Lincs and Let’s Move Lincolnshire in Gainsborough and Sleaford – and indeed across the county, all promoting active travel (and I love Cari the Cargo Bike). I know Melanie has cycled the 50 odd miles to Grantham and back several times for the Let’s Move Lincolnshire project and getting lost in the woods on the brand-new cycle track connecting Grantham to Londonthorpe Woods.
Awarded to the area / activity which in the eyes of the Member Group committee has provided the greatest support / number of volunteers / participants in the regions Audax rides over the last year(s).
Presented to Lincoln Area
Many thanks to Alan Hockham and all the helpers for organising the Wolds Traverse which attracted 25 riders and our congratulations go also to Andy on his successful Lincoln Imp Audax which saw 27 riders enjoying the 100 km route from Reepham. Great too to see Richard Lake’s support of the event on his YouTube channel. There’s a lot of work that goes into the planning and organisation of these events so our thanks and congratulations to Andy and Lincoln Area.
WEST LINCS TROPHY (Cycling UK Gainsborough)
The West Lincolnshire Trophy was awarded to Cycling UK Gainsborough and Gainsborough Aegir Cycling Club member Barry Markham who took up cycling only three years ago. He is a great ambassador for Cycling UK, cycling most Sundays taking part in Cycling UK Gainsborough’s social rides and he completed his first 100 mile ride in April. Barry enjoys cycling whenever he can in the week.
Independent adjudicator David Buckingham chose Tim Newbery's 'Muckton Wood Bridleway' entry as this year's winner. He assessed that it captured the ethos that 'anyone's able to get out on a bike for physical and mental well being'.
Many thanks to all the other entrants.
The following officers were elected as Committee Members for 2022-2023:
1. CHAIR: Tim Newbery
2. SECRETARY: Andrew Townhill
3. TREASURER: Barry Jordan
2. SAFEGUARDING OFFICER: Trevor Halstead and Daniel Nicholson
1. CAMPAIGNS OFFICER: Melanie Carroll
3. COVID-19 OFFICER: Tim Newbery
1. PRESIDENT(Honorary): Trevor Halstead
2. AUDITOR (Honorary): Flora Forster
Cycling UK rules require us to have a minimum of three people on our committee. There are also three obligatory roles.
Additional roles can be added as we see fit.
Cycling UK Lincolnshire's current committee structure is comprised of the positions below:
Chair (obligatory position)
The duties of a Chair shall include the following:
To preside at each meeting of the Committee and (if the Group Rules so provide) at the Annual General Meeting;
To facilitate the efficient and correct conduct of the meetings as laid out in the Policy Handbook for Cycling UK.
Chairs are responsible for ensuring compliance with Cycling UK’s legal obligations and organisational policies and this now includes ensuring the group or area are following Cycling UK's GDPR guidance and are compliant with the GDPR.
Secretary (obligatory position)
The duties of a Secretary shall be to:
To convene General Meetings in accordance with these regulations;
To call a special meeting of the Group Committee upon receipt of a requisition signed by at least one third of its members;
To prepare minutes of all Committee meetings
To act as a point of contact between the Group and representatives of any Informal Member Groups connected to the main Group;
To act as a point of contact for Cycling UK members on the Cycling UK website and in ‘Cycle’ magazine.
Secretaries handle local membership data and so must be particularly aware of GDPR regulations.
Treasurer (obligatory position)
It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to:
To hold and account for the monies collected in the name of the Group;
To prepare the Annual Statement of Accounts for audit and presentation too have opted to share accounting procedures;
To complete an annual Subscription Allocation Claim and submit it to the Finance Manager at Cycling UK National Office;
To submit a claim for Special Allocation Funding if required by the Group.
To hold and account for the monies collected in the name of the Group; prepare the Annual Statement of Accounts for audit and presentation to the f the Group. The Statement shall include: a list of Group assets with current values; and summaries of the accounts of any Groups who have opted to share accounting procedures;
There are also a number of obligatory roles:
Registration Officer (obligatory role)
The Registration Officer receives details of Cycling UK members who:
Live within certain postcode areas selected by the Member Group; and
Those full Cycling UK members who have chosen to be listed with that Group.
The Registration Officer must adhere to the Cycling UK Data Protection Policy on handling and using Cycling UK membership information. The information within the membership lists is to be used for the purpose of marketing Cycling UK events and related information only. A Registration Officer has enhanced responsibilities under the GDPR to manage data securely and safely. The Registration Officer is usually nominated to create and maintain the “Managing personal data” template.
Safeguarding Officer (obligatory role)
The duties of the Safeguarding Officer are as follows:
To be accessible to members to help them in addressing issues such as complaints against individuals; the protection of vulnerable adults and children; and issues of discrimination;
To monitor compliance with policies related to this area, such as Cycling UK’s Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy and Cycling UK’s Young Person’s Participation Policy. Welfare Officers should familiarise themselves with Cycling UK’s Complaints, Disputes and Disciplinary Procedures in the event of any disputes;
It is recommended that the Safeguarding Officer role is not fulfilled by the Secretary.
Promotions/Publicity Officer (obligatory role)
The duties of the Promotions/Publicity Officer are as follows:
To comply with the Objects of Cycling UK Groups, in as much as each Group must have the capacity to promote Cycling UK and the activities of the Member Group;
To initiate promotional activities. These might include: press, publications, websites and attendance at local and national events.
Information and advice for all the roles can be found in Cycling UK's 'TOOLKIT'
Campaigns Officer (encompassing Cycle Advocacy Network and 'Space For Cycling')
Further information can be obtained HERE and HERE
Diversity And Inclusion Champion
Further information can be obtained HERE
Covid-19 Officer
Further information can be obtained HERE
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Full details of Cycling UK's policy on GDPR can be found HERE
As a Full Member Group, Cycling UK Lincolnshire follows the guidelines contained in the
Handbook For Cycling UK Member Groups as our constitution.

Andy Townhill - Paul Enderby Trophy
Melanie Carroll - BSA Trophy
Barry Markham - West Lincs Trophy
Tim Newbery - Photography Trophy