Including Cycling UK's Space For Cycling campaign
and Cycling UK's Local Cycle Campaigning Network
On this page you'll find issues that affect us as cyclists' right across the county.
Melanie Carroll is our Campaigns Officer and will be our 'Point Of Contact'.
You can download and read Melanie's latest 'Campaigns Officer's Report' (November 2019) HERE
We would ask that any and all our members to also write to the council or other agencies when they become aware of issues that may effect themselves or other cyclists, as well as letting us know. It is no longer enough for just the voice of Cycling UK Lincolnshire to speak out, to ensure that we are heard and our needs appreciated it also needs many individual letters because each letter counts. Gone are the days when a membership organisation letter counted for the many. Now they need many letters from individuals to really make them take notice.
The work continues on and again I'd ask all Members to be active campaigners for cycle provision and safety and keep an eye on any proposed changes in their areas. Let us know too anything that we should be aware of, be it an accident blackspot, a proposed change to roads or right of ways, a new building works or estate or any other issue that needs the needs of the bicycle rider being kept front and centre.
Melanie's written 'A quick guide to basic campaigning that everyone can do' and you can download and read the article HERE
For contact information within East Lindsey, North East Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire,
you can download and read the article HERE

3rd November 2017.
Hosted by the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership and Chaired by Rod Whiting (our former Cycling UK Lincolnshire President).
Rodney Jelfs was given an invitation to this inaugural summit and asked me to go along to assist. This was to be the county’s first ever summit and, as Marc Jones (Police and Crime Commissioner) mentioned in his address “Lincolnshire is the second largest county in England and is equally diverse in its variety of road users – ranging from CYCLISTS, runners, equestrian, agricultural distributors, public transport, bikers and motorists – and all need to be able to travel as safely as possible” It was interesting to see in print cyclists mentioned first and motorists last!
Following Marc Jones’ address we were given a comprehensive data analysis of Lincolnshire by Richards Owen, operations director of the independent ‘Road Safety Analysis Ltd’.
See links below to view the data, including a breakdown across Lincolnshire on all types and permutations.
Accidents involving 16-24 year olds have decreased 20% over the last 5 years but the figures are still well above the national average. Accidents involving the over 65’s has been stable but with an unusual peak on a Tuesday (pensioner points?).
Pedal Cycle statistics are all there too, broken down into each region as with other vulnerable road user groups. The highest risk of pedal cyclist KSI are to be found in Lincoln City and Boston with a peak at 5-6 pm (suggests urban areas are at highest risk) and usually on a Friday. There are a total of 9 sets of analysis, one dedicated to cycle casualties
(Lincoln City has the highest number of casualties versus the GB average! whilst East Lindsey has the lowest).
Lincolnshire Pedal Cycle KSI
1st August 2015 – 31st July 2016 = 34
1st August 2016 – 31st July 2017 = 44
That’s an increase of 29.4%. Compare this with West Midlands who actively promote ‘Close Pass’ where they have seen a 20% decrease. I appreciate of course some aspects can’t be directly compared and statistics alone don’t give the full story. The old adage of ‘lies, damned lies, and statistics.’
We were then addressed by Rt Honerable John Hayes MP, Minister of State for Transport. He concentrated on the future of transport in the UK, especially use of technology in battery operated cars and increasing use of telematics.
He told the audience that autonomous vehicles may represent “the biggest contribution to road safety we have ever seen”.
Mr Hayes is currently guiding the Automated and Electric Vehicles Bill through Parliament and said insurers had already indicated that automated cars will reduce accidents by 90 percent.
Interesting to note he was a couple of hours late due to problems with the train from London!
He missed the part of the meeting where his constituency, North Holland and The Deepings was highlighted as having the highest rate of road casualties in Lincolnshire – 138% of the national average.
One interesting briefing was given by South Wales Police. On ‘Operation Snap’ they encourage the submission of video and photo evidence by the public to aid safer driving (ultimately to aid prosecution). ‘Safe Pass’ was highlighted as an important aspect of their work.
Following closure of the Summit, Cycling UK Lincolnshire were given an open invitation with Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (Deputy Chief Constable Lincolnshire Police and LRSP Chair Craig Taylor and LRSP Senior Manager Steve Batchelor) to meet and discuss such issues such as ‘Close Pass’.
All in all a worthwhile meeting with much to be taken forward.
Tim Newbery.

South Holland and the Deepings MP John Hayes.
Photo: Steve Smailes for Lincolnshire Reporter.

Photo: Steve Smailes for Lincolnshire Reporter.

Photo: Steve Smailes for Lincolnshire Reporter.

Photo: Steve Smailes for Lincolnshire Reporter.
You can download and read Melanie's latest 'Campaigns Officer's Report (November 2019) HERE